Curry and Shedding

Curry combs and shedding rakes for horses are used to remove dead hair, or caked on dirt.

Curry or Curry comb is  tool made of rubber, silicone or plastic with short "teeth" on one side, that slides onto the hand of the groom. It is usually the first tool used in daily grooming. The horse is rubbed or "curried" to help loosen dirt, hair, and other detritus, plus stimulate the skin to produce natural oils. The curry comb is usually used in a circular motion to work loose embedded material. Curry combs are generally too harsh to be used on the legs or head, though varieties made of softer rubber and silicone are available.

The curry comb is also used in conjunction with a dandy brush and body brushes to cleean the Dandy or Body brush as it is used around the horse.  Care should be taken when using natural fibre brushes to only use a rubber or silicone curry to 'dust' the brush.  Plastic with damage the natural fibres of the brush.

Shedding blades are used at the end of winter.  It is generally a metal blade with short, dull teeth is used to remove loose winter hair. A shedding blade may also useful for removing caked-on mud. However, grooming tools with metal teeth can split and dull the horse's hair coat and may irritate the skin, so must be used with appropriate care. 

Herdz has a range of curry combs and shedding blades, including small sizes for children and face curries.

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