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Oxydane is a nutritional supplement to assist in:

  • Getting the most out of high performance animals
  • Recovery of high performance animals.

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Oxydane 2kg

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Special Price $189.95 Regular Price $214.40

Oxydane 5kg

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Special Price $449.95 Regular Price $484.20

Oxydane 10kg

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Special Price $730.00 Regular Price $817.00

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Special Price $189.95 Regular Price $214.40

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Special Price $449.95 Regular Price $484.20

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Special Price $730.00 Regular Price $817.00



Oxydane™ is a unique, ground breaking formula, a world first, synergistic high performance formula for Racing, Harness Racing and Higher level Performance Horses. Oxydane™ contains, antioxidants, mineral salts, specific vitamins incuding vitamin C and E, the amino acid Alanine and other supporting nutrients

Nutrients such as a well balanced feed and a well balanced supplement have generally been treated as a source of energy and they are involved in the regulation of metabolic pathways. They are also involved in designating a function of an enzyme in which the structure and activity of the enzyme are modified by the binding of a metabolic molecule or by modulating hormone secretion.

Nutrition has the power to unlock the horse’s genetic potential and turn gene expression on and off.

Dosage Rate:

Adult Horses in Work: 20g per day.

Adult Horses Spelling: 10g per day.

Ingredients (Per Kilogram):

Tricalcium Phosphate 150g Choline  902mg
Calcium ascorbate 80g Inositol  727mg
Algit (Kelp powder) 41g Ash-Minerals  19.6g
Trimagneisum Phosphate 50g Sodium  220mg
Iron Phosphate 50g Extra Calcium  1012mg
Potassium Chloride 10g Potassium  7000mg
Sodium Sulphate 10g Phosphorous  1520mg
Monosodium phosphate 10g Genistein  296mg
Monopotassium Phosphate 10g Daidzien  204mg
Mangnesium Sulphate 5g Isoleucine  13.74g
Calcium Sulphate 3g Leucine  12.46g
Lecithin 6g Lysine  20.22g
Vitamin B1 13.2mg Methionine  4.44g
Riboflavin B2 15.2mg Cystine  3.7g
Vitamin B6 25g Phenylalanine  14.05g
Niacin B3 25g Tyrosine  9.91g
Vitamin B5 25g Threonine 10.46g
Folic Acid 432mcg Tryptophan  3.69g
Vitamin B12 2.16mg Valine  8.64g
Vitamin E 28g Arginine  18.27g
Phosphorous 144mg Histidine  7.09g
Magnesium 230mg Aspartic Acid  7.36g
Zinc 10.8mg Taurine  80mg
Selenium .453mg Siberian Ginseng Extract 6:1 10g
Copper 7.2mg BioEquus  50g
Vitamin A Type 1000 2.0g Grape Seed Extract 210:1  10g
Chomium 1.339mg Serine  3.44g
Potassium 4557mg Glutamic Acid  11.6g
Para Amino Benzoic Acid 5.76mg Proline 4.14g
Glycine 3.66g Alanine 7.44g
Also Contains:
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) Oleic (Omega 9)
Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) Stearic Acid and Palmitic Acid
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