Interceptor Spectrum tasty chew - 6 Pack
Starting at $46.95 $49.95
Interceptor Spectrum comes in a delicious, chicken-flavoured tasty chew formulation that most dogs love. A treatment that dogs love No more tricks, traps or force feeding.
Interceptor® Spectrum Tasty Chews
6 Pack
We love our dogs and hope they will always be happy and healthy. It's our responsibility as dog owners to protect them from the many unseen health threats lurking in the environment.
Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews provide broad spectrum protection against the most common and dangerous internal parasites – which is central to maintaining the good health of your four-legged friend.
Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews protect against:
- Heartworm
- Tapeworm, flea and hydatid
- Roundworm
- Hookworm
- Whipworm
Unfortunately, some worms can be transmitted from your dog to your family. This is known as zoonosis. But spending time with our furry companions without close contact, pats and cuddles is unimaginable. That's why we need to be confident our choice of heartworm and intestinal worm protection is also protecting our family.
We appreciate that worming can be frustrating for you and distressing for your dog. Conveniently, 94% of dogs love the taste of Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews so much, they'll eat it straight from the hand.*

Novartis is so confident that Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews will protect your dog from heartworm and intestinal worms, they guarantee it.
Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews is the only heartworm and intestinal wormer backed by a 100% guarantee giving you peace of mind that you're doing all you can to protect your dog and family against harmful internal parasites.
Treating once a month with Interceptor Spectrum Tasty Chews, you can forget about internal parasites and concentrate on how you're going to have fun with your dog each day.
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