A wide range of horse blood builders designed to supplement iron intake and boost blood count.
Horses stabled and feed a high grain diet can have a dietary deficiency in iron. Horses can also have a suppressed red blood cell production through the stress of hard work, racing or competition.
Working horses, competition horses or race horses require a high capacity of oxygen transportation through the body In order to maintainoptimal performance.
As a general rule supplement Iron and Vitamin E at alternate feeds.
Blood Builders
Cell Iron 1.2kg for Horses - Expiry Mar 25
Hemopaste 60mL - Vetsense
Red Cell 5L
Red Cell 1L
Ironvita - Blood and Oxygen
Starting at $39.95 $43.95
Ironcyclen - Virbac
Starting at $47.95 $48.95
Cell-Iron by Kohnke's Own
Starting at $28.95 $41.50
FBC Bloodfood Granules 30 x 30g
Hemabuild by KER
Starting at $47.95 $53.95