Hoof Supplements for Horses
Hoof supplements provide nutritional support for healthy hoof growth
The old saying " No Hoof , No Horse' is so true! Hoof health is critical. Hoof supplements may assist horses that fail to grow strong healthy hooves or horses recovering from a laminitis episode to grow a strong dense hoof that can support their body weight.
What do hoof supplements contain?
Hoof supplements generally contain biotin. Depending on the particular supplement it may also contain amino acids particularly Methionine, balanced fatty acids, zinc and calcium..
Where horses are nutritionally deficient the supplementation may assist in the prevention of sand cracks, and the hardening of the hoof wall to give greater hoof integrity.
Hoof is made of keratinised cells, as is hair and as such the hoof supplement will also assist in improving the coat.
Hoof Care Supplements
Ranvet Hoof Food Pellet
Starting at $44.95 $49.50
Pharmachem Hoof Aid - 500ml
Biotin Extra Strength - 5kg
HoofGain - 7kg
Biotin Extra Strength - 1kg
Diamond Frog Dressing 118mL
Kohnke's Own Reboot HOOF
Starting at $49.95 $54.95
Rebound Hoof Pack 1.6kg
Hoof Food
Starting at $44.95 $54.95
Polished by Prydes
Starting at $59.95 $64.95