Digestive Aids

Digestive Supplements for Horses

The horse is a 'mono-gastric' herbivore. Essential this means that the horse has a simple stomach (much like a human) and is a vegertarian.

The equine digestive tract is unique in that it digests portions of its feeds enzymatically first in the foregut and ferments in the hindgut.

Anti-biotics, stress and illness can affect the natural bactrial balance in the gut and some horse man benefit greatly from the support of pro-biotics to help re-establish benefical gut bactria balance.

Another significant issue for horses is Hind-gut acidosis.  An increase in acidity in the hindgut damages the mucosa (gastric wall) which absorbs the endotoxins released through the death of the benefical bacteria, letting them enter the general circulation. Endotoxins initiate a series of inflammatory responses and can trigger laminitis, amongst other disorders.

Herdz has a  variety of digestive supplements for horses that may assist with colic, scouring, acidosis, ulcers, mal-absorption and gut probiotics.  These digestive supplements encompass products that include herbs, mineral clays, digestive enzymes, probiotics, mucilage compounds, amino acids and antacids.

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