GrowthFix - HiForm
Starting at $116.95 $134.68
HiForm GrowthFix - Young horse protection, ideal for the growing horse. Contains nutrients needed for the normal growth and health of both the muscular and skeletal systems.
Young horse protection, ideal for the growing horse. Contains nutrients needed for the normal growth and health of both the muscular and skeletal systems.
GrowthFix also has a role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, maintaining normal healthy vision, skin, reproductive performance and growth processes, and provides an antioxidant effect.
1kg provides a minimum of 100 days supply.
Research has shown that developmental orthopedic diseases such as OCD, cervical vertebral malformations, angular deformities, contracted tendons and physitis can be caused by many factors such as genetic predisposition, management practices, diseases and dietary influences. Good nutrition may assist with these types of conditions.
Mix well into damp feed once daily.
Double dosage rates 3 months prior to and after foaling
Size (Mature Horse) | Standard Dose |
At Risk or Large Bread Dose |
300kg Pony | 5g | 20g |
500kg Horse | 5g | 20g |
600+ kg horse | 5g | 20g |
Mineral Tissue Salts
- Calcium Phosphate
- Magnesium Phosphate
- Iron Phosphate
- Potassium Chloride
- Potassium Phosphate
- Sodium Sulphate
- Sodium Phosphate
- Manganeses Sulphate
- Calcium Sulphate
- Zinc Sulphate
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B12
- Biotin
Amino Acids
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Methionine
- Cystine
- Phenylalanine
- Tyrosone
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Valine
- Arginine
- Histidine
Trace Elements
- Iodine
- Copper
- Boron
- Molybdenum
- Selenium
- Silica
- Genistein
- Daidzien
Essential Fatty Acids
Due to the increased need of specific nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the growth and developmental phase each individual horse goes through in their younger years of life, we have formulated GrowthFix to ensure each horse is getting the optimal amount of nutrients to optimise their development.
Mineral Tissue Salts
Don’t get mineral tissue salts confused with crude minerals. Biochemical tissue salts, or cell salts, are mineral salts that exist in the cells and play a critical role in cellular metabolism. The salts are administered clinically in very small doses and are prepared in a way similar to homeopathic remedies. Once ingested they are absorbed directly into the cells, therefore bypassing the digestive process which may be compromised in some horses; especially those suffering from digestive disorders such as ulcers or who have had a history of poor absorption. Hi Form Australia uses these mineral salts in most of their formulas, along with specific, organic herbs and herb extracts, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.
Tricalcium Phosphate
HiForm have included a tricalcium phosphate in the GrowthFix formula, being a mineral tissue salt it is the most absorbable form of calcium and therefore the most efficient way to correct a deficiency and to provide optimal levels. The combination of the tricalcium phosphate provides the horse with the correct ratio of calcium:phosphorous which is often out of balance with the introduction of commercial horse feeds or environmental variants. As well as being an essential mineral for skeletal growth, low calcium intake is a predisposing factor to the development of big-head also known as secondary hyperparathyroidism in horses. Commonly due to a chronic calcium and phosphorous imbalance. More prominently seen in tropical areas such as Queensland with high oxalate grass, high phosphorous, bran based diets or low calcium intake and absorption. Oxalates are contained in many grasses but more commonly in kikuyu, buffel and setaria grasses. The consumption of oxalates is unavoidable however, they do become an issue when they are consumed in excessive amounts. Oxalates block calcium absorption, leading to chronic calcium deficiency. High phosphorous intake also poses an issue If the circulating phosphorous levels are higher than calcium levels this leads to calcium leaching out of the bones and weakening bones and replacement by fibrous tissue, resulting in big-head disease. A similar effect happens if there is an excess of bran in the diet due to the high levels of phytates, which have the same effect on calcium absorption as oxalates.
Magnesium Phosphate
In combination with Tricalcium Phosphate specifically, Magnesium Phosphate is included to assist in re-establishing mineral homeostasis. Calcium, Phosphorous and Magnesium all need to be provided at the correct ratio for optimum use in the body. Hence why Hiform have included them in this formula in mineral tissue salt form.
Ferrous Phosphate
Ferrous Phosphate is a mineral tissue salt which specifically targets red blood cells and improving the oxygen transportation through the blood. This increased oxygen in the cells increases the amount of nutrients which can be used effectively by the cells. Therefore, speeding up any healing and rebalancing process, which may be needed. We see this mineral tissue salt specifically important in this formula as it will decrease the time frame in correcting nutritional deficiencies.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin vital for mammalian growth and development. It is essential for eye health and function as well as cell differentiation and bone remodelling. Poor growth, low immune function and vision impairment is often seen in horses with chronic vitamin A deficiency. The inclusion of vitamin A in GrowthFix allows us to correct these deficiencies, which may have presented early in the horses’ life, limiting their growth potential.
Vitamin D
Without sufficient quantities of vitamin D, calcium is poorly absorbed and utilized in the body. This is due to its direct relationship with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin; the hormones responsible in maintaining calcium homeostasis, making it essential for musculoskeletal development. In addition, the involvement of vitamin D in immune function immune cell production and function. Therefore, helping to re-establish the calcium balance in horses with mineral deficiencies and big-head. Vitamin A, calcium and vitamin D are all responsible for optimal bone growth and development and are included in the GrowthFix formula for their synergistic actions. Vitamin C Unlike humans, horses can make their own vitamin C through the enzymatic conversion of glucose to vitamin C, however the amounts created aren’t always sufficient or reliable to support the growing foetus and young developing horse. Hence the inclusion of vitamin C in the GrowthFix formula. Vitamin C is an antioxidant used to detoxify the body from harmful substances which the horse may be exposed to environmentally. However, it is also essential for immune system development and balance of the immune cells, which is especially important in the growing years.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential for foetal development specifically neuromuscular development making it essential in protecting against muscular dystrophy in foals and equine motor neuron disease in older horses, this is due to its direct involvement in the composition of the myelin sheath encompassing nerve tissue. Making it a vital nutrient to supplement throughout the broodmare’s pregnancy as well as the young developing horse.
In addition, vitamin E is also a fat-soluble antioxidant; meaning it has a role in protecting the body by eliminating harmful toxins individual horses may be exposed to environmentally.
One of the 22 essential amino acids, phenylalanine is a major component of neuronal development. Used as a precursor in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters such as adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and thyroid hormones; which are crucial for brain and nerve development and transmission. Hiform have increased the levels of phenylalanine in GrowthFix due to the increased need for brain development in the young developing horse.
Being a suitable protein source for horses, EquiSoy contains all the essential amino acids to support muscle and tissue growth and development in the broodmare, and growing foals and yearlings. In addition, the fat content EquiSoy allows for optimum absorption of fat soluble nutrients such as Vitamin A, D and E which are all essential for healthy cell production.
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