Clean Culture Inner Health for Horses
Starting at $52.00 $65.00
Equitec Clean Culture Inner Health
To assist in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system
Clean Cluture Inner Health
Manufactured by Equitec Performance Products
Equitec Clean Culture Inner Health is an oral paste designed to assist in the maintenance of digestive health in horses.
Veterinary Research has revealed that over 70% of Stabled horses currently suffer from digestive disorders. Digestive disorders can present as hind gut acidosis, stomach ulceration or mal-absorption of food.
When digestive disorders present, the condition and performance of a horse is compromised. The degree to which a horse is affected is a result of a combination of the severity of the condition, the longevity of the condition and the resilience of the affected horse. Digestive disorders can present in a horse in as little as weeks after a change of diet or being stabled.
In horses that show signs of digestive disorders, Equi-tech Clean Culture may be useful in re-establishing the digestive balance and facilitating appropriate hind gut absorption of vital nutrients.
Contributing factors to digestive disorders and subsequent use of Equi-tech Clean Culture would be indicated where a horse is naturally high strung and nervous or has a suppressed immune system and if a horse has experienced:
- Long periods between feeds where no hay has been available. This will be further exacerbated if the horse eats the provided feed too rapidly.
- High Grain intake. This will be further exacerbated when combined with a high Lucerne intake
- Being stabled in small boxes.
- Extended administration of antibiotics
- Dietary deficiencies – particularly in the B-Group Vitamins and Magnesium
- A High Salt Intake – this generally occurs as a result of electrolyte overdose.
Equip-tech Clean Culture is administered in a 10 day course for the average horse. In horses where the condition is chronic and/or recurring an 18 day course and Dietary Evaluation may be required.
A 1L container is sufficient for a 10 day course for an average size horse.
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